Registration and Licensing. We register and license businesses within any desired state in the United States, including the state of Delaware. The state of Delaware has a solid reputation for being one of the most business-friendly jurisdiction in the country.
Financial Consulting Services
We work closely with our clients to individualized financial plan for savings, business and retirement. We provide clients with succinct financial management advice to improve financial strategy, create efficiencies, and maximize revenue.
Financial Statements Review
We review financial statements to ensure conformity with the financial reporting framework, and eliminate material modification.
Investment Portfolio Review
We review investment portfolios and advise of any shortfalls that may hinder investment performance or overall financial goal.
Portfolio Management
We assess our clients' current situation to understand their expectations. We assist our clients to clearly design and develop goals to identify any gaps between the current investment strategy and the stated goals. We assist in establishing investment objectives, determine asset allocation, select and monitor investment options.
Risk Assessment
We will identify sensible measures to control risk in your workplace. You probably have already taking some steps to protect your employees and investments, however, continuous risk assessment will mitigate vulnerabilities and protect your assets.
Small Business Proposals
We work closely with our clients to ensure their business plan becomes a reality.